Dear Customer
We hope that you and your team are safe and well.
The position with COVID-19 and the advice of the UK Government are both developing rapidly and I wanted to give you an update on the approach at Four D Rubber.
We remain open and able to manufacture and despatch as of now. We have reduced the number of on-site personnel to a critical team to safeguard our employees and to follow Government guidelines. Once we have despatched completed orders in the next few days we will focus exclusively on our medical, dental and therapy products as well as material that is key for food production. We believe that these are essential businesses and so need to be given priority in the coming weeks.
Our facilities in Sri Lanka are subject to a nationwide lock down. This is scheduled to be lifted next week and manufacturing will resume as soon as possible.
Please accept our apologies if your orders are affected by this but I’m sure you will understand the exceptional position that we find ourselves in. We will obviously endeavour to get all or part of your order to you as soon as possible. We will keep you updated of developments but please direct any queries in the meantime to The main telephone number will de directed to a mailbox for the next few weeks which will be checked every few hours. In the first instance, email is the best contact route.
We hope that the situation will start to improve in the coming weeks so that we can restore a full service. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
Best wishes to you and your teams
Richard Gogerty
Chief Executive

DE75 7GX
T: 01773 763134